Updated: 3 October 2024

Suncorp-Metway Limited has changed its legal name to Norfina Limited as part of its transition to Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ).

Norfina Limited will continue to be known as Suncorp Bank, but Suncorp Bank is not its legal name.

What if I want to make a complaint against Suncorp?

If you are a customer of Suncorp Bank and need to make a complaint, you can still do so, but your complaint will be against Norfina Limited.

When filling out the AFCA Online Complaint Form, please select Norfina Limited as your financial firm.

If you need to find the contact details for Suncorp Bank, you will see that the firm name has been updated to Norfina Limited in our Financial Firm Search function.

What if I currently have a complaint against Suncorp Bank?

If you have an open complaint against Suncorp Bank, your case worker will contact you to notify you of the change.

AFCA has changed your complaint to be lodged against Norfina Limited. This does not change how AFCA will handle your complaint.

You will see this change in the AFCA portal and in future correspondence from AFCA.

You may continue to see correspondence from Norfina Limited with Suncorp Bank branding, as Norfina Limited will still be branded as Suncorp Bank.

You can find out more about the change from ANZ and Suncorp Bank

If you have any further questions, please contact your case worker or send an email to info@afca.org.au.

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